The Player: Shepherd
The Listeners: Me, lil’ Markie
Our hotel caters to the buffet lover who loves to eat through breakfast and lunch, mind you we are not, overweight Sloth (** Disclaimer** No animals were harmed in the writing of this story, and we are sorry if we offend any living Sloth or remaining ancestors or evolutionary evolvement of the aforementioned Sloth). Back to the story at hand, Shepherd who loves his buffets, (and who can blame him), ate too many fruit cups and had to make a pit-stop back in the room. While we walked hurriedly back to the suite, we kept the “running joke” going that after his evacuation he will lose enough of what he ate to equal a “BackStreet Boy.” After arriving in our room, Shepherd with his tail between his legs rushed, ok ran to the “WC” and let out a noise that was worthy of a courtesy flush after the first 10seconds, all along singing BackStreet Boys tunes like they were falling into the water.