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Vegas Do's and Don'ts
Vegas dos and donts
This is always a fun topic of conversation. Everyone always assumes that anything goes in Las Vegas, but they couldn't be farther from the truth.
Alcohol in Vegas
- Alcohol may be carried and consumed on the Vegas Strip.
- Alcohol must be consumed in moderation.
- No flaunting, chugging or beer bongs.
- Watch how you walk, stumbling or passing out on the Vegas strip will get you in trouble.
- Don't take an open container of alcohol into a vehicle; it is against the law, unless it is a chartered bus.
Las Vegas Gambling
- Make sure you understand the rules of the game you are playing.
- Ask the dealer for help especially in the afternoon if you are learning a game.
- Find out when the lessons are provided for a certain game.
- Make sure your payout is correct.
- Put the higher denomination chips on the bottom of the stack.
- Color me up, means take all the small denomination chips and make it into a larger denomination chip, do this before you get up to play another game or cash out.
- Play the maximum amount of coins in a slot or video poker machine, Play a lower denomination slot and play more credits.
- Join the Slot Club.
- Don't bend the cards.
- Don't touch your chips after the dealer says no more bets.
- Do not hand money directly to the dealer, place it on the table for the dealer to pick up.
- Don't be careless with your belongings or chips.
- Don't place items on the table when you are gambling, especially electronics. Most casinos will allow you to have a basic strategy card.
Taxes in Vegas Las Vegas: Do you pay taxes in las vegas?
- Be prepared to pay taxes if your winnings on a single slot pull are more than $1,199.00.
- This is not applicable to table games unless the odds are 300 to 1 with a $600 bet.
- Do not try and skip out or not pay your taxes on winnings, casinos do file every winner with the IRS.
Plan your Vegas trip ahead
DO: Decide on your trip to Las Vegas Early.
- Make your hotel and flight reservations early.
- Don't assume strip casinos are as cheap as off strip casinos.
Las Vegas Show Tickets and Event Tickets
- Make your show reservations early, even before you trip.
- Take advantage of the free shows in Las Vegas.
- Do not wait until the night of the show and think you can get tickets. There are exceptions for the smaller shows, but do not count on that. (We have for the smaller ones and we usually get in)
Las Vegas Night Clubs
- Get in line early. (This kind of blows your early evening, but it is worth it).
- Be prepared to spend at least an hour in line.
- Buy a VIP Pass online before you get there, so you are guaranteed to get in .
- Wear modern in-style clothes.
- Bring a Date, make sure they are model material.
- Do not wait until later in the evening to get in line, you will just be wasting your time.
- Try not to club hop, most of your evening will be spent in line instead of in the clubs.
- Do not wear shorts or sandles to a club, you will not get in.
Las Vegas Restaurants
- Make your reservation early.
- Some restaurants may have a waiting list for a week to 10 (ten) days.
- Dress appropriately.
- We try and eat and hour before the locals. Get in line no later than 4:30 - 5p or eat extremely late.
- Do not wait until later in the evening get a reservation or get in line, you will be in line all night, even at a popular buffet.
- Do not wear shorts or sandles, you will not get in.
Las Vegas Limos and Taxi Cabs
- Take Paradise Road from the Airport.
- It will save you $10.00 to $15.00 and you will get there just as quick or quicker.
- Be Prepared to wait in the taxi stand line for a long time on weekend nights.
- Go to the front or rear of a Casino to hail a cab
- Taxis in Vegas now take Credit Cards
- You cannot hail a cab on Las Vegas Blvd or Freemont Street, it is against the law for the driver to stop.
- Don't pay for your cab fare with casino chips.
- Don't take open containers of alcohol into any vehicle, unless it is a chartered bus.
- Be kind do not do anything rude in a taxi.
Again, Do not Take the Tunnel Ask your Taxi Driver to Take Paradise Road.
Approximate costs: $8.50 to South end of the Strip (MGM) - $12.50 to Mid Strip (Mirage) - $14.50 to the North end (Sahara)
Las Vegas Transportation
- Use the new double decker bus. $5.00 for an all day pass
- Allow plenty of travel time
- Stay away from Las Vegas Blvd if you are driving or in a cab especially during peak times (2:00p - 6:30p)
Walking the Las Vegas Strip
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Use the Crosswalks as they are intended. Do not be foolish, watch for walk signal. This is where most of the Vegas accidents occur.
- Do not J or Jay Walk. The fine is a minimum of $150.00
Las Vegas Phtotographs
- Get permission to take photos of the casino gaming floor
- Most Casinos have a NO CAMERA Policy as a consideration to their guests
- Do not take pictures of people you do not know
Las Vegas Cameras - Cameras are everywere in Vegas
- Act Responsible
- No funny stuff in Elevators
- Don't do anything that you wouldn't want to be captured on camera
Las Vegas Casino or Hotel amenities
- Use as much comps as you can get
- Ask for an Escort from security if you are afraid for any reason
- You cannot take advantage of other hotels amenities unless you stay there or are comped
Las Vegas Parking
- Use the Valet as much as possible. Parking will only cost as much as the tip
- All hotels have free parking usually in the rear of the casino
- Get your parking ticket validated at one of the Casinos desks
- Don't park on the Strip.